Saturday, March 21, 2009


this is just started just now....
well , actually is begin wit like this
"he" suddly pm me and asked me tht
Him: want go genting ?
my: lol , when ? why cal me ??
Him: later ... dunno .
me: u fetch me a ? who got go ??
suddly "he" off ! wht ??did "he" ply me ?
I was sooooooo ANGRY !
wtf is "he" doing ? is tht funny & nice to ply ?
okays ! you very like to ply thn continue la
why off ??? HAR ?!
i dunwan scold any bad words here .
but guess wad ? you reli SUCKS ok ?!
after tht "he" on9 bak...
and i asked "him" , izit ply me ??
"he" dint reply me !!
after the few mins went.
"he" pm me le , said tht "I reli going one
anything msg me" .. "he" leave "his" num ..
and said tht "he going out now" !
huh ? is tht reli "his" num ???? i dunno !
and i text "him" said tht im not going .
cz u think la wei ! is late now ... do u think my
parents let me go ??? but "he" dint reply my text !
alright ! fine . forget bout it .
this wad happened just now . i do reli hapi tht "he" suddly
pm me , asked me wan go genting bo.
i hope so i can go . but my parents 100% dun let !
so you enjoy ba , if u reli GOING !

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