Thursday, May 7, 2009


nowadays sch day was totally sucks !
is was so bored at the class.
and wad are the math teacher's are teaching ?
omg. it was totally confused bout it.
exam was coming soon again.
shit !
i dint even prepare anythg yet.
i guess im goin failed many subject again ><
haihh ~
2more weeks oni!
omg omg omg.
okays,ended up here.
start a new topic :)

2ml is fri.
and we goin to hav our oral 2ml.
but i and my frens goin to skipped sch x)
bcz of the oral.
after 2ml on the nxt tues we will hav the oral too.
but we jz wanna talk more some time to prepare it ma.
tht's all for today.

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